
Where is the item coming from?

The majority of our inventory is sold from our warehouses in the United States with a select few items from other distributors in other countries, including Canada. That said, sometimes your order may be shipped by one of our partner warehouses for example ”amazon warehouse” and come in different packages at different times.

Where do you ship and how much it cost?

We offer shipments throughout the U.S. including (Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii) among other states outside the United States and Canada. The price of the product does not include the shipping cost. The online system will generate a shipping fee for your order.

How long my order will take to be delivered?

Order delivery time will depend on your country of residence and state, as not all of our merchandise is shipped from the same warehouse. We want to ensure you receive your items as quickly as possible, which is why we process orders between Monday and Friday. Orders will be processed within a period of 2 days or less from the order date, but urgent shipments will be sent the same day as the order. Please note that we do not ship on weekends.
Based on our results on delivery of more than 10,000 orders, it may take between 10 and 40 days on average. This largely depends on the customs and import process in your country.

Customs & Regulations

You are responsible for checking your local postal regulations for restricted items, as we cannot be held liable for any items that are not accepted into the specific country.

How can I track my order?

We will send you the tracking code of your orders to the e-mail provided within 3-5 business days after the purchase. This email will also guide you how to track your package. Please note that the tracking information will be displayed 4 business days after you receiving that e-mail.
You can also reach out to our customer support desk at [email protected] to ask questions anytime.

The courier tried to deliver the package but I wasn't at home, what should I do?

Please contact the courier. Usually, they will resent your package on the next working day, but sometimes they just ask you to pick up your package at their office.

I ordered multiple items but I have only received one/some of them. Why?

We do our best to reduce costs on your end so that you do not have to pay high taxes/premiums to get your items! If you ordered multiple items from us, it is highly likely that the goods will be shipped in several packages. Please allow some time for all of your items to arrive.

I tracked down my order and the status says Return to Sender, what should I do?

In the event that the parcels were returned to us, please contact us immediately so we can arrange to send you a replacement.
As the receiver it will be your sole responsibility to track your order and submit necessary requirements to the customs or courier otherwise if the order has been tagged as return to sender or unsuccessful delivery due to the receiver not being able to follow-up or have not submitted the necessary requirements or notification to the courier, we are not able to process any refund or replacement for free and you may need to place the order again.

The tracking site says Delivered but I haven’t received my order yet.

Please note that we provide a tracking number to each customer. It is customer’s responsibility to track down their orders. Kindly contact your local post office if the parcel arrived at your destination country. Please contact our Customer Service at [email protected] for further assistance. We are not responsible for any stolen packages.


Your local customs office may require additional documents and time to clear your package, which may delay the estimated delivery time.
Your order may be delivered to you by either the local post office or a local courier. Depending on your area, most orders will be delivered by your local post service, so the package will be received with your regular mail. If you are not home when the delivery is made, a notice card may be left by the postal service to advise on how and where your delivery can be collected.

Will I be charged with customs and taxes?

The prices displayed on our site are tax-free in US Dollars, which means you may be liable to pay for duties and taxes once you receive your order.
Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives at its final destination, which is determined by your local customs office.
Payment of these charges and taxes are your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country. For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office.

Get Free Shipping

Free shipping

Free shipping on orders over $70!

Shipping is free if your order includes at least the established minimum threshold of eligible products.

To place an order

1. Add at least the established minimum threshold of eligible products to your Shopping Cart.
2. Proceed to payment.

3. Please enter a valid US delivery address. Please note that some products shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and others may not be eligible for FREE shipping.

4. Select FREE Shipping.

With free shipping, your order is delivered five to eight business days after products are ready to ship, including pre-sale products.

Canceling products, combining orders, or changing shipping address, speed, or preference may affect the order’s eligibility for free shipping.


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